Research Areas
Research Background
Increased social burden associated with high expenditure of national healthcare and care for older adults
2007 Aging Society (7.3%), 2018 Aged Society (14.3%)
2026 Super-aged Society (20.3%)
Increased health vulnerability due to aging
high prevalence of complex chronic diseases (more than 90% older adults) and cognitive, physical,·psychosocial functional decline
Treatment-focused R&D, specializing in disease biomarkers, diagnosis, and drug development
R&D that connects the lives of the elderly to the specific needs of the medical field
Government policy implementation for community-based integrated care involving the older adults and their families
Facilitation of precision healthcare and personalized health management using ICT infrastructures
Need for innovative research that integrates understanding mechanisms–translation facilitation-practical application
Facilitation of the expeditious on-site practical application of research findings by a collaborative approach among industry, academia, and research institutions
Overview and Objectives of Research Focus Areas
Research Implementation Strategies
Conduct Integrated Convergence Research of older adults’
Cognitive – Psychosocial – Physical Health-related Domains
Construct a system for the collection and management of integrated big data on physical - cognitive - psychological functions
Construct a community-based Aging and Health Science Council
Construct and maintain a participant
registry utilizing industry-university-research network
Construct systems for analyzing IoMT big data and biomarkers
Construct a senior living lab in cooperation with local communities
Explore ideas within the local community, develop – experiment – evaluate whole-service prototypes
Develop personalized devices & customized contents in collaboration with senior health science industry
Support for collaboration with leading nursing researchers and research institutes in Korea and abroad
Link with patents, technology transfers,
and service commercialization
Popularize educational contents based on educational platforms like K-MOOC, YouTube
Negotiate data sharing policies,
share data with incoming researchers
Propose and establish policies for the standardization of local community services and support systems