Expected Outcomes & Impact

Utilize research results

  • Education

    • Present a ‘Best Practice Guideline’ utilizing study results, for the education and health management of older adults

    • Create an online/offline educational program for the cultivation of specialized personnel in aging and health science

    • Self-management education
      for older adults and families in the local community

  • Research

    • Advancement of scholarly papers through
      university-research-industry collaboration

    • Nurture the development of exceptional human resources for the next generation of academics in relation to Research, practices, and policies in aging and health science

    • Become a world-class research institute through improvements in international research competitiveness

  • Policies and

    • Activate the development of
      ICT-based healthcare services

    • Efficieintly settle a
      community-based, collaborative caregiving model

    • Expand domestic/overseas network of distinguished research institutes

  • Practicalize

    • Development and commercialization of
      age-friendly digital products

    • Commercialize customized interventions based on precision health

    • Create economic value and
      profit in the fourth industrial
      revolution through the practical use of nursing service content

Construct a cooperation networks of academia-research-industry and expand person-to-person exchanges

Activate adjunct professor system

  • Promote research and education cooperation through activation of the adjunct professor system within the College of Medicine, College of Engineering, Nursing Bureau of Severance Hospital and opening of a common curriculum

  • Revitalize industry-university research by inviting field experts in aging and health science as adjunct professors,
    to fully reflect practice tendencies in university settings

Exchange research personnel with industry and domestic
research institutes

  • Construct cooperation systems with research groups specializing in big data

  • Form networks with research institutions and researchers at universities/local governments/
    aging-related research institutions located around Seoul

  • Design senior living labs where
    multi-disciplinary researchers,
    local government, and industries
    can participate

  • Encourage patent conversions and commercialization of developed content and technology

Exchange scholars with distinguished research institutes and universities overseas

  • Construct global research networks

  • Form large-scale research groups with first-rate researchers overseas

  • Construct basis for aging and health science within universities

  • Become a national research
    center specializing in aging and health science

  • Activate convergence studies

  • Become a world-class research institute with a focus on aging and health science

Contribute to local communities

Consumer-Oriented Research Institute Communicating with Local Communities

  • Establishment and Expansion of
    a Research Network for Health of Older Adults
    • Establishing an aging-related research network for the health of older adults, including universities, local governments, and research institutes, and researchers, and expanding the network nationwide

    • Employing the research network as a focal point for projects to address the health issues of older adults considering local characteristics

  • Community-Based Experiential Learning
    • Operating community health-related curriculuar courses, such as ‘Introduction to Gerontology,' ‘Special Topics in Aging Research,' ‘Research Residency,' and ‘Capstone Design’

    • Developing and operating a curricular course entitled ‘Healthy Aging Design' to encourage students' active involvement in addressing health challenges among older adults at homes and local communities in the Senior Care Living Lab

  • Enlargement of Advisory Engagements
    • Providing guidance and evaluation in planning healthcare programs offered at public health centers and conducting community education

    • Enhancing opportunities for research institutes and faculty members to contribute to local governments, public health centers, and institutions involved in the health of older adults

  • Participation and Expansion of Senior Living Lab
    in the Local Community
    • Collaborating with the local community and relevant organizations to establish and promote a care model based on Senior Living Lab in the community.

    • Providing health promotion education and exercise programs tailored to the needs of older residents in the community through collaboration with the research team of the Department of Sport Industry Studies at Yonsei University

Cultivate personnel

Link education with research

Foster exemplary researchers and specialized personnel in aging and health science areas utilizing networks within the Mo-Im Kim Nursing Research Institute, graduate schools,
and domestic/overseas universities and research institutes

  • Mo-Im Kim Nursing Research Institute

    • Perform multi-disciplinary convergence research

    • Develop and disseminate online educational programs

    • Provide researcher training internships

    Network with overseas universities and research laboratories

    • Implement joint research with MOU universities

    • STAY summer research seminar Operate
      STAY summer research seminar

    • Operate international research internship programs

  • Cultivate talent specialized in healthy aging science
  • General Graduate School of Nursing

    • Jointly operate curriculum for departments of
      nursing science in general graduate schools and research residency

    • Develop convergence open major course tentatively named as ‘Introduction to the aging-friendly Industry’/’Health industry and nursing’

    Advanced Practice Nursing with geronotlogical nursing specialty (MSN major)

    • Advanced nursing theory and practice related
      to healthy aging

    • Infection prevention at geriatric long-term care facilities

    • Operate Capstone Program

Cultivate new research personnel

Utilization plans for research personnel

Career areas for research personnel
(45 full-time research personnel, 90 Master’s degrees and PhD’s)

  • 1

    Professors of nursing colleges nationwide

  • 2

    Field practice researchers at university hospitals

  • 3

    Industry researchers and planners

  • 4

    Researchers of government and public research institutions

  • 5


  • 6

    Researchers of overseas research institutions

  • 7

    Graduate school enrollment in universities in Korea and abroad

  • 8

    Research funding acquisition

Expected outcomes

Cultivation of global research groups for realization of healthy aging society
Innovative Research
(Cutting edge approach)
Commitment to Education
(Inspiring young scientist)

Securing of quality research personnel pool

  • Competence for publishing renowned domestic and
    overseas journals

  • Capacity for receiving research funds

  • High competition ratio for
    admission to graduate schools

  • Advanced research support system

Achievement in developing aging healthcare services and technology

Active investment of supervising institutions

  • Annual cash investment of more than 100 million won on average
    - Yonsei Medical Center and
    College of Nursing

  • Investment in a total of 307 pyeong (1 pyeong=35.58 sq ft) in research space
    - Research laboratory and biomedical research center

  • Staffing guaranteed for full-time faculty and dedicated research personnel

Willpower of supervising institutions
and participating institutions

Global Research Cooperation Network

  • Severance research-focused hospital

  • Multi-disciplinary networks :
    College of Engineering,
    College of Medicine

  • Network of 40 nationwide
    nursing science research laboratories

  • Excellent MOU-based overseas research laboratories

Diffusion of success model
and maximization of synergistic effects
360 business milestones, including the training of 135 leaders in the field of healthy aging science